Hi ladies!! have you read about this extraordinary adventure on the blogs of Cindy, Sharon and Renate ?
They are better speakers than me and it's hard to be the last one, because most of things have been said!
, I will show you some pics of vero's necklace, she was number five of the robin's girls.. but she have a lot of work, she is lampwork-girl now, and have many many orders before Christmas.
I will try " à ma sauce" as we say in French
I was friend with Sharon, our Sharon! she really make me love handmade jewelry, and made me addicted... then i started to make my little tests. There was a big jewelry exchange in USA, with Loreleil , but deadlines was very shorts and 6 day for a package to cross the ocean was impossible for this turn . Vero and me were quite sad..wheeeeeeeeeeeeen:
the story begin on 08/08/2009 with this e-mail from Cindy :
Hello Esther, Renate and Veronique
I had an idea that I wanted to share with you.[....Cindy explain to us that Diane Cook can't participate unfortunately, but had this great idea!! ..] Would you be interested in a necklace "round robin" with the 5 of us ( Sharon Borsavage) ....it would be something very casual without a lot of rules or stringent deadlines. I think this would be a great collaborative experience. Each of us could start one necklace and send it off to the next one....and could specify some preferences as far as a theme, colors, or necklace length. I wanted this to be fun so we wouldn't want to impose strict deadlines. What do you think?
Please let me know your thoughts...I'm very open to anything. Just wanted this to be fun, and thought it would be great to have a piece of art jewelry in the end from some of our online jewelry friends from around the world. :-)
****What could i say?? i had opened my jewelry's blog 1 month before, and was a "secret admirer" of Cindy , Sharon, Renate, and Veronique!! ****
So, i started my little portion and ask for a long necklace with all metals we can ( copper, silver and brass.)
here my soldered rings.
one portion, one portion plus one portion... after vero's it was already that!!!!
As you will see Renate offers me 3 ways of wearing this necklace, as it is very long, what a clever friend no?
the big focal is from Véronique
Cindy add beautiful and strange stones... , Sharon porcelain and stamped copper piece..
Every body wrote and draw on the journal..!! wow!!
pics of Veronique's necklace , she wanted copper and green tones...
She started with this big focal in the middle,
beautiful isn't it?
unfortunately i did not have beautiful pictures because all ( necklace and journal) is in Usa.. why??
Because Cindy make our dream come true... all of us are in the "belle armoire "magazine , winter 2010!
I would like to thanks my " round robin" sisters, all of them make me stronger, and make me dream...
Thank you stampington editions.. wow...
I would like to thank you all, readers , always a support for me !!
I offer a little give away to thank you, just let a message after this post,( no follower you are welcome too!! ) You can win this micro book, perfect for a necklace, it is in leather with a beautiful virgin Marie, you can read " donner", that mean GIVE ..

definition: Romizous: totally invented word , in French , to say "Hugs" , we say "Bisous" ( kisses) , we can say "gros bisous" (big hugs ) in a strange an totally crazy language it can become romizous..used by a bit crazy girls.. first i don't learn nothing about English in 1 year, second, i teach impossible words to my foreign friends....isn't it a shame??
Thank you !!
I'm so happy for you, congratulations Esther !!!
And a very big Romizou !
Thanks for sharing and taking us with you on your incredible journey. I'd love every single post from you and your sisters and hope to grab a copy of the new Belle Armoire to read more about this transatlantic exchange. I love it when dreams come true! Hugs Stefanie
Oh Esther, what a wonderful project you ladies took part in. I just love the energy and love that everyone can feel from all of you. This project truly represents what this blogging world is all about, friendship. You have completed beautiful necklaces, and amazing journals, but it is the memories of friendship and love that will last long past this time. Congratulations on being published in BAJ and for your ongoing support of your blogging sisters, at home and around the globe. We all think you are very special Esther. Hugs, or Romizous, Riki
My sweet friend - I love when you teach me impossible words and I can be crazy! I am so glad to have been a part of this with you. Andyou didn't even mention that you threatened to put plastic beads in our necklaces... LOL
What fun we had. Big, big romizouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus!!!!!!!!!
the projects came out lovely! I have my copy of Belle Amoire Jewelry at home and have yet to relax a moment to look through it. Congrats!
I love the jewelry, makes me want to create one right now. I love the little book too.
What stunning pieces! All the elements are so different but they blend beautifully. Congratulations on having your project published. It will make for a fascinating and inspiring story! Thank you for sharing your adventure!
I am always delighted to come and see what you are up to Esther! I am in awe of this wonderful round robin that you did. I love participating in collaborative challenges and this seems like one of the best I have seen. Thank you for sharing your talents with us!
Enjoy the day!
Profitez de la journee!
I loved reading this post Esther! Love the story and the necklace...congratulations on being featured in Belle Armoire - you all deserve it! Romizous!
I love everything I saw! Quelle fantastique experience!! Felicitation on the Belle Armoire Publication! Un reve pour moi pour plus tard peut etre!
Esther, it was a pure joy to read your post! It sure brought back many memories from the past months - YEAR, actually! I forgot about those plastic bead threats...you have the best sense of humor and you always make me smile. Each and every one of you sure made a huge difference in my life. I will always cherish my necklace and journa. And I'll smile when I admire your pages in my journal or when I wear my necklace for years to come. How did I get so lucky to find friends like you?
Your post was beautiful, Esther!
Romizous x 100,000,000)! -Cindy
Your necklace is wonderful! I'm so happy that you ladies have shared your journey with us. I'm planning on grabbing a copy of BAJ tomorrow. Congrats! & Romizous!
Dear Esther, what a beautiful post with beautiful crazy words!! I have so enjoyed reading all of your words, and cindy's, sharon's & renate's too! It gives me such a good understanding of this fantastic project. I am a friend of sharon's and love learning more about this amazing exchange she told me about. thank you! lenna
This round robin necklace exchange has been tremendous journey and a joy to read. Only amazing women could do something like this!
Once again Lit'l Sister You Rock!!! Oh and I love the word!! I thinks it's quite perfect. I mean we have the Spanglish languge down here. You can have the Franglish language over there!
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
Wow Esther, congratulations once again chica! Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
Adios chula...take care.
Magnifique! What a beautiful story and adventure for all of you. The necklaces are all so pretty and special to each of you...treasures you will always cherish.
And lucky for you to be published two times! I have Step By Step Wire and look forward to the story in BAJ.
Bonne journée!
Magnifique! What a beautiful story and adventure for all of you. The necklaces are all so pretty and special to each of you...treasures you will always cherish.
And lucky for you to be published two times! I have Step By Step Wire and look forward to the story in BAJ.
Bonne journée!
Magnifique! What a beautiful story and adventure for all of you. The necklaces are all so pretty and special to each of you...treasures you will always cherish.
And lucky for you to be published two times! I have Step By Step Wire and look forward to the story in BAJ.
Bonne journée!
Esther ayer lei en tu otro blog sobre este viaje maravilloso y sali corriendo a comprar la revista. La revista es un tesoro desde el principio al fin. Y los collares de su viaje maravilloso estan expectaculares!!!! Todos estan hermosos! se nota el cariño con que fueron hechos! El collar con un bead hechos en tela de un velo de novia, uno de la imagen de una Virgen Madonna hecho en tela, etc. me tiene enamorada!!!! Tremendo regalo de amor que se han hecho entre ustedes!!! Debe ser expectacular sentir cerca de tu corazon ese tesoro lleno de arte compartido!!! Felicidades.
I love the necklace - all of them - they are all so different. Congratulations on being published. I love the Madonna
I've so enjoyed reading about the Round Robin journey. What fun it must have been to create something so special with your blogging buddies!
Congratulations on getting published in BA!
Esther...You are such a sweetheart, and I am so thankful to know each and everyone of you! I think your collaboration turned out to be beautiful and worthy of being published. You all did such an excellent job, and I especially love, love the journals you designed. What an great idea =) I am so sad I couldn't participate, but so very happy you did! Congratulations on being published in BAJ. I do believe ~ truly ~ this is only the beginning for you!
Luv you much....diane
OMG Esther
what amazing necklaces you contributed too and how awesome to have them in Belle Armoire...now I know I have seen that one at the newsagent...shall have a look for it next time I am in town.Awesome work and I love the new word too LOL :o).
Annette In Oz
Your jewelry is amazing! I love all of it, and that little book is perfect. I am always drawn to religious icons. See you again soon!
Rhoooo la la ! Mais c'est sublime tout ça ma lilibullette ! Tu es une cachotière, je ne savais pas que tu avais cet autre blog. Bravo ! J'adore tout !
Esther...thank you for your kind words of congratulations!
I love your jewelry...I enjoyed your post of the collaboration with other artists ~ so inspiring! I hope you don't mind but I have added your blog to my side bar so that I may visit often. :)
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